

来源:投影时代 更新日期:2020-02-10 作者:pjtime资讯组

    2020荷兰ISE展将于2020.02.11~02.14在荷兰阿姆斯特丹会展中心如期举行,易事达在8-K160 & 12-P95展位等候您的光临。

    ISE 2020 is taking place in Rai Amsterdam on Feb. 11th-14th 2020, and Esdlumen is waiting for you on stands 8-K160 and 12-P95.


    The Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) is by far the most successful and largest professional audiovisual equipment and system integration technology exhibition held in Europe. Every big manufacturer displays its best product. It is a not to miss feast which is about to begin.

    在本次荷兰ISE展会上,易事达将展出新品金刚 P1.2、MINI Pro P1.5以及其他爆款热销产品;欢迎您到我们的展位参观,我们的展位号:8-K160 & 12-P95,邀请码:836992

    Esdlumen will display its two latest products King Kong P1.2, Mini Pro P1.5 and other hot sales products on next week ISE. We warmly welcome you on our two stands: 8-K160 and 12-P95. Invitation code: 836992

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